Our Team

Founder & Director
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Our objective is to deliberate & propose ideas, to create awareness amongst the masses, train health care givers and basically provide a platform for everyone working in this field to unite in a unified voice and also motivate policy makers and bureaucrats to analyse this concern with a fresh perspective.

Legal advisor
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We believes that this subject should be looked into with utmost seriousness by the Government of India. The annual rate of death by snakebite in India is far larger than deaths caused by diseases like Aids, Tuberculosis, Cholera, Typhoid, Malaria, and Dengue. Suitable action should be taken.

Field expert
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We believe that the actual death count is far larger than what the report suggests. There are a lot of myths around snakes and snakebites and most victim’s family prefer to place their trust on the local faith healer to treat snakebites instead of going to a fully equipped hospital may be quite substantial..

Our Vision and Mission

Earlier in the evening at a nearby restaurant, they treated the local Chinese police chief and head of the border patrol to a blowout feast of more.

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Following an after-meal session of pricey Chunghwa cigarettes and shots of Moutai liquor, the officials made phone calls telling subordinates to abandon.

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Universal Snakebite Education & Research Organisation

India has close to 340 species of snakes, out of which 62 have been identified as venomous & semi venomous. With a large number of annual fatalities, India is considered the “death by snakebite “capital of the world.

USER Organisation was established in the year 2019 at Krishnagiri and has its research office at PSG Science and Technology Entrepreneurial Park (STEP)- Nanotech research innovation and incubation centre (NRIIC), PSG college of Technology campus, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu-India. We are an organisation working with the motto “Towards zero snakebite mortality”.

Snakebite is a major health issue across the globe and snakebite management is a tough task to the doctors in India. Though we use polyvalent antisnake venom to treat snakebite victims, various adverse effects arises like anaphylaxis, serum sickness, breathing difficulties etc. To overcome these major issues, we are working on an effective alternative antivenom research in the form of monovalent(snake specific) and bivalent(venom type specific) anti-snakevenom and also we have developed technologies for the identification of venomous snakebites through Snakebite detection kit(for medically important snake species like Cobra, Krait, Russell’s viper and Saw scaled viper).

The ultimate aim is to emerge as an organisation of excellence with best solutions for snakebite management and to lead with global standards.